Mastercraft X-Star Wake-board Boat Automotive Portfolio

With this job we were asked to design one of the sickest and most wicked audio systems that you could put on a boat, and we thought to our selves " How sweet is this job going to be". As we got into the planning stages of the system design we had to abide by a few rules, it had to be LOUD, LOOK AWESOME, and take all the water that could be thrown at it. So for that task we called upon some of our awesome Rockford Fosgate Marine Speakers and Subwoofers for the interior of the boat, we also needed a headunit that would take just as much abuse and water. For that we used a Kenwood Marine Headunit that is full waterproof and has waterproof remote controls that we were able to mount in different locations on the boat. The final task was finding some marine amplifiers and wake tower speakers that would look great and perform just as well. We used Wetsounds amplifiers and Wake tower Speakers for this portion of the job and it turned out great. To handle all this extra power strain we installed deep cycle Optima Batteries. As if that was not enough, our customer wanted to take it up a notch, they wanted us to install a 24" LED tv for playing video games and watching videos from their camcorder of the wake boarding action. After a bunch of Custom installation and miles of wiring we got the boat all finished and back on the water. This boat was an awesome project and turns heads everyday out on the water, even when it cant be seen he can be heard. ITS LOUDDD..!!!!!
For More Pictures of this install checkout this like to the album on our facebook page